To keep your food fresh and the planet clean, we’ve put in over 4,000 hours of work to develop display cases that emit the lowest amount of carbon emissions of any cases on the market today. All of our cases are compliant with air pollutant regulations like CARB often in advance of the regulation’s implementation date.
The California Cooling Act adopted by CARB (California Air Resources Board) is an act that calls for the phasing out of high global warming potential and hydrofluorocarbon. CARB is specific to California; however, similar regulations are already in place in Canada, Vermont, and Washington. New Jersey also has a bill that is currently working its way through legislation, and Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, and New York have all announced intent to promote similar legislation in the future. Even if you are not in one of these states, the widespread adoption of these regulations could indicate that you’ll be facing them soon in your area.